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Category / Resilience

Resilience and Shower Spiders

There’s spider living in my shower at the moment. ​ This spider is tenacious. It has woven its delicate web all over my bars of soap and shampoo. And when I need to break the fine strands of gossamer thread to retrieve my bar of soap each morning, the spider scuttles away from dripping water, shelters for a while, then comes back out to rebuild it all once I am gone. This spider got me thinking.CONTINUE READING

Thoughts That Don’t Stick

I woke up at 5am with great big thoughts. This happened on Friday 5 July 2019.  The date and the time are very clear to me, because the thoughts were so big and so vivid that I felt sure it would be one of those unforgettable moments in my life. So much certainty, in that moment. These were big thoughts. At the time of writing this, I am four days ‘post-moment' and things look different now. Sorry for the buzz-kill, this is not a particularly exciting blog about a momentous insight and how life changed forever at 5am on 5 July. This is a pretty ordinary blog about what happened to my thoughts between 5 July and 9CONTINUE READING

Climbing the Hill

This morning I climbed the Hakarimata summit track alone. To put that in context, I've only done the track about a dozen times in total over the last 12 months so there is no pattern of regular habit here. I have never gone alone before, I normally go with Shawn my husband and once we did it with the kids...very slowly.  It's a beautiful track, filled with birdsong and bush. It's nature's gym these days, a well-worn track used by many, many local people pursuing physical goals or simply aiming for the view from the top. CONTINUE READING

Leadership and the Invisible Contract

So you’ve ended up leading a team. You know how you got here, you were complicit, there was an offer and an agreement. This is your first leadership role – perhaps it’s paid or perhaps it’s not. I’ve had both kinds of leadership roles, both count. You did make this choice, so how come it is not quite as it seemed? Time has gone by and ‘stuff’ has started to creep in. What has happened here? Did someone hide the facts from you? Was there a second more-accurate version of the job description that never saw the light of day? No, my friend. You are simply a leader now.CONTINUE READING